How To Get More Traffic To Your Dental Clinic Website?

Hello, this is Sahrish Javed here from the Hyper-Loop digital marketing. In this article I am going to talk about how to get more traffic to your Dental Implants Dubai

Get Lots Of Positive Online Reviews!

Number one tip is getting lots and lots of positive online reviews particularly on Google and Yelp. Here are some states for you estimated 97% of customers look at online reviews and 85% of customers trust an online review as much as they do a personal recommendation from a friend. It’s just what people do nowadays. What do I do I am looking for to get to a restaurant, or looking for a dentist, or a doctor, or a furniture store I go on Google or Google Maps and I search for one I check out the online reviews before I go there. It’s the way it is so it is important.

Now there are another reason it’s important when you have a high number, a high volume of reviews and a good rating. This affects how high up your website is going to appear on Google and in Google Maps and other search engines. You have probably known another dentist down the street from you who had may be five online reviews not much and then you look back about six months later and all of a sudden they have 500 reviews and they are at the top of the search listing. How did that happen how do they go up by 500 reviews in six months. Well there are a few things specific things you can do to get more online reviews which I cover at the end new patients workshop and the Hyper-Loop marketing seminar which I highly suggest you to attend.

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Another interesting fact regarding this is that one of the most commonly searched phrases in Google when someone’s looking for a dentist is “best dentist in blank” fill in the blank Los Angeles, New York, Tampa whatever. And when Google is displaying the search results for the best dentist on that area they actually take the online review rating into account. You will see if you search best dentist in your area. You will see the ones that are 4.7 starts, 4.8, 4.9 even 5 stars and the ones that have a lot of reviews. If you have three reviews that’s 4.9 starts that’s not as good as someone who has 500 reviews that are 4.7 stars.

Have An Effective Referral Program For Existing Patients

Number two is to have an effective referral program for your existing patients. Now this goes everyone knows you should ask for referrals but it kind of falls by the wayside. But it’s really important because this is always going to be the cheapest form of marketing you do, and it’s going to get you your best patients. Patients who are referred by other patients who are happy and loyal to our practice are that much more likely to stay in the practice and trust you and do the treatment that they need. So you and the whole team really need a prioritize referrals.


There are many more ways to get traffic to your dental clinic website to grow your business. It’s almost impossible to brief you everything in only one article because there are much more. If you have any question or query regarding this topic kindly do contact with Hyper-Loop digital marketing where our experts will help you in this way.

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