Cialis For Erectile Dysfunction – Some Information on The Topic 

Men suffer from some sexual disorders and one such problem is the inability to maintain strong erection for longer hours. Many medications were introduced to help men enjoy longer sexual activities and one such is tadalafil.

Cialis is one of the many medications that are introduced by some top-brand names to help men with ED issues. It is also known by the name tadalafil and is ideal for treating men with many sexual problems. You can purchase this supplement by visiting the website of Potenzmittel Apotheke. They offer various options for you to make the right selection. Visit the website to get more information.

How it Works?

The body releases a chemical to the penis area during sexual arousal. This chemical is one of the many causes for the erection to not only stay for longer hours, but also to stay strong. The continuous release of this chemical will even make sure that enough volume of blood flows to the penis area. Tadalafil will handle the work of the release of this chemical in the required volumes throughout the sexual activities in a person with ED issues.

What Makes Tadalafil Different

This is one of the many supplements that are used for treating ED issues. However, nothing can offer the same level of improvement to the users of this supplement. Hence, it is the next best thing for ED other than the herbal remedies.


Taking tadalafil for erectile dysfunction comes with many benefits. They are listed below.

For Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)This is a clinically approved drug for treating BPH. BPH is a condition that makes the prostate gland become bulgy and push the bladder. This results in you feeling some symptoms such as,

  1. Frequent urination
  2. Strained urination
  3. Feeling full even after urination
  4. A weak stream of urination
  5. Urination during night times frequently
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Tadalafil can handle this condition as it focuses on decreasing the IPSS score, which is the major cause of the size increase in the prostate gland.

  • For Kidney Stones 

Tadalafil will handle the urinary stone issue in people suffering from the issue. This drug will not only crush the small stones lying inside kidney filters, but will also make the kidney pass these stones during urination.


The dosage of this supplement is not the same for everyone. The severity of the condition will decide the dosage that is ideal for you per day. The physicians suggest taking one tablet of 100mg per day starting from 4 hours to 30 minutes before you engage in sexual activities. However, if the condition of ED is severe, then the suggested dosage is 2 tablets per day with a gap of 12 hours.

Each tablet can help you retain the erection for more than 4 hours. However, if the erection does not go down even after 4 hours, then it is suggested to consult your physician immediately.

You can get more information on tadalafil and its working principle by visiting The website will even offer detailed information on everything that you need to know about this drug.