Osteoarthritis Specialist London

Living with osteoarthritis isn’t easy and most people with the health condition need to make many changes to their everyday living to help them manage their symptoms. Osteoarthritis is a condition that can develop and worsen over time so it is important to get a proper diagnosis and start managing your condition as early as possible.

Ignoring the symptoms in the hope that it will go away isn’t a good plan because the disease will continue to get worse if you don’t get specialist help.

In most cases, once you have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis by a doctor, you will begin a treatment plan that will involve painkillers and a customised exercise regime with a physical therapist to help strengthen the joints that are affected by osteoarthritis.

How does osteoarthritis develop?

Osteoarthritis is a painful condition that can develop over time after we have put too much strain on our joints. This makes it painful to do the most every-day things in life, such as walking around or sitting down for too long, going up and down the stairs or lifting and carrying heavy bags and boxes.

It is also quite a common condition with people who have led very active lives, such as manual work, athletes and sportspeople, and those spending many years doing a job involving repetitive movements.

Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in the body, but most commonly affected joints include the fingers, neck, lower back, hips, knees and shoulders.

What treatments are on offer?

Dr  Bhadauria is an osteoarthritis specialist based in London. He offers private consultation to anyone who suspects that they have osteoarthritis but haven’t had a proper diagnosis, or have been diagnosed with the condition and are looking for expert help to help treat and manage their condition.

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While most people are diagnosed with osteoarthritis are over the age of 50, it can develop in younger people, especially if they are very physically active and are experiencing joint aches and pains that don’t seem to go away.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis can be confused for other health issues, so Dr Bhadauria will conduct a set of tests to rule out any other possible causes of your joint pain so you can get a proper diagnosis and the correct treatment you need. Tests may include blood tests and joint x-rays.

What will happen next?

Osteoarthritis is a long-term condition so once you have been properly diagnosed, Dr  Bhadauria will work with you to create a management plan for your condition moving forward. While there currently is no cure for osteoarthritis, you will be given effective treatments to help you control and reduce your symptoms to make them more tolerable and easier to live with.

Your personalised treatment plan may include help with weight loss to reduce pressure on your joints, a regular low or no weight-bearing exercise plan to help strengthen your joints and the muscles that support them, painkillers or even surgery to repair damaged joints.

Find out more about how  Dr Bhadauria helps his patients to manage osteoarthritis, or feel free to contact his dedicated and friendly team to discuss your needs and book a consultation.