Treatment for gas pain in the chest?

To be honest, gas pain in the chest is a condition that is often affiliated with a sense of ambiguity to many clinicians – prior to a comprehensive clerking and physical examination. Nowadays gas pain in the chest would most probably be associated with the likes of wind chest pain (sakit dada angin), or the term wind sitting, non cardiac chest pain or even to an extent, abdominal flatulence.

Nonetheless, all of these names are usually referring to the body’s reaction towards an internal stress presented to the area of the chest. These internal stresses can be derived from many sources, most notable being the intolerable production of digestive gases that ends up forcing the diaphragm upwards compressing the area of the chest, eliciting the pain.

Other typical causes of chest pain that are non cardiac also include Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), that predispose a person to acid reflux that in turn damages the muscle triggering the chest pain whilst further disrupting the physiological process of healthy bolus movement. Besides that, visceral or esophageal hypersensitivity, stomach ulcer, musculoskeletal disorder, lung disease or even anxiety might be the one causing the formation of gas pain in the chest.

Although treatment must be accompanied by a checkup from the nearby clinics or hospitals, these are a few tips that could prove to be helpful in minimizing the gas pain or preventing further exacerbation towards the chest.

  1. Minimize air consumption

Eating slowly, avoid talking while eating or chewing, and drink less while eating, are one of the pro tips to reduce the rate of air consumption. It is incredible to realize how these small actions could prove vital in preventing gas build up in the abdomen and chest after we applied it in our everyday life. Furthermore, smoking, drinking with straws, chewing gum and dentures that are not fitted properly are also one of many common factors that can also cause gas pain in the long run.

  1. Consume less product that produce gas
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Certain products are discovered to produce a lot of gas during the digestive process. A thing to take note, cruciferous veggies (i.e. broccoli, cauliflowers, brussel sprouts, bok choy, cabbages, etc.), fruits (i.e. apple, pears, peaches, etc), dairy products (i.e. milk, cheese, ice cream, etc.), onions and beans are some of the most common dietary products that cause abdominal gasses. For celiac disease patients, gluten and whole wheat items are what to look out for, as these too can cause gas pain.

  1. Be careful of what you drink

Carbonated drinks, alcohol such as beer, and fruit punches can sometimes exacerbate the production of abdominal gases when mixed with digestive fluids. In turn increases the abdominal pressure starting from the stomach. Besides that, milk is also a thing to consider for those that have lactose intolerance. Moreover, people that are diagnosed with GERD must also avoid drinking coffee or thick tea for the time being.

  1. Take natural remedies

Natural remedies such as peppermint or chamomile tea. Alongside other natural ingredients such as anise, caraway, coriander, fennel and turmeric might be the additional recipes you hoped for while serving your healthy diet. These natural items were found to have significantly proven properties to help with gas pain in the chest.

  1. Supplementary diet

Having a good dietary supplementation such as probiotics – that helps to maintain a healthy gut microbiome environment – will mitigate the overproduction of digestive gasses and overall digestive processes.

  1. Regular and moderate exercise

Regular and moderate exercise not only ensures good cardiac and overall health, but it also encourages you to have a regular (physically healthy) habit on a regular basis. One that is easy to commit and does not pose a risk to cardiovascular patients. These include morning walks, breathing exercises, swimming and cycling.

  1. Rest properly and well
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For those with a history of asthma, pleural effusion or GERD, it is advisable that you use wedge pillows or ensure your head is slightly higher than the chest when sleeping. These will respectively ensure that the respiratory muscle can move slightly easier hence ensuring better air flow movement or the backflow of stomach fluid is prevented. In doing so reducing the upper abdominal pain or chest tightness that these conditions might elicit.

On top of all of that, remember to seek a doctor’s advice in order for us to really understand the underlying problems and be able to screen out any serious condition such as heart disease, lung abnormalities, digestive disorder, musculoskeletal ailments, and other treatable outcomes.