Some Lesser Known and Interesting Facts About Invisalign 

If you are aware of what invisalign new london ct is, you may know that it is great to straighten your teeth without having to wear metal braces. Invisalign kingston are seemingly invisible or transparent braces that work like traditional braces but do not ruin your smile. Moreover, the modern technology that went into making invisalign buffalo ny aligners has them far less painful and time-taking.

If you are considering opting for Invisalign to fix your dental alignment issues, you are making the right choice. However, you still need to educate yourself about the product before you finally get them to ensure you are making the right choice. Here are some lesser-known facts about Invisalign. Schedule an appointment at the Northbrook dental office to learn more.

Invisalign facts you did not know

  • You can see how you would look with Invisalign aligners before you get them. 

If you are considering getting Invisalign aligners, you would certainly love to see how you would look at the end of the process. Dentists take an impression of the patient’s teeth at the beginning of the treatment and create a picture of your fixed teeth using computer technology. This way, you would be able to see what you look like later and if the investment is worth it. 

  • Invisalign may look like they are made of transparent plastic, but they are not. 

Plastic is not a healthy item to put in your mouth for an extended period of time. Therefore, if you are worried about your health, you need not be. Invisalign is made with thermoplastic which is completely safe for dental use. Additionally, it is highly durable and can bear the pressure of your bites when you eat food. 

  • The inventor of Invisalign used to wear metal braces. 
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Zia Chishti is the founder of Invisalign. When he was a student at Stanford, he used to wear braces. Later, he removed them and got retainers instead. That is when it occurred to him that retainers worked the same way as braces but with the convenience of being removable. Within a few years, Chisti worked with a few partners and launched Invisalign, achieving global popularity and success. 

  • You will have to see the dentist less often. 

While it is recommended to see your dentist at least once or twice, people with braces or undergoing other treatments visit more often. You need to see your dentist every month with metal braces, but with Invisalign, you only need to visit once in 8 weeks.