Homeopathy & Its effect on Anxiety & PanicAttacks

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine. It’s used as a complementary and natural remedy for a variety of ailments. Anxiety is one example which can be treated using homeopathy. Lycopodium, pulsatilla, aconite, and other homeopathic treatments for anxiety are most common.

There has been a lot of testing done to see if homeopathy can help with anxiety. Many people believe that homeopathy works, and it has been used for over two centuries to treat such issues. In this article, Dr. YogeshJadhav who is working with one of the best Aurangabad based homeopathy clinic will discuss the impact of homeopathy on Anxiety & PanicAttacks.

What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy was developed in the late 1800s. It operates on the theory of “like cures like.” To put it another way, if anything induces a disease, it can also cure it.

Homeopathic treatments are made by diluting certain chemicals in water. Some of these compounds are also poisonous. Any hazardous compounds

are, however, extremely diluted. They’re so diluted that the amounts are extremely low or undetectable when examined under a microscope.

Homeopathy for Anxiety & Panic Attacks

According to homeopaths, following are several therapies to consider if you have anxiety and want to try homeopathy.


It is a homeopathic treatment for severe, sudden anxiety, panic, or fear, according to homeopathic practitioners. Panic could be attributed to a stressful experience in the past. This form of panic is characterized by dry skin, a dry mouth, and a rapid heartbeat.

Argentum nitricum

This is also suggested for people who suffer from anxiety caused by confusion. This includes claustrophobia, hypochondria, fear of heights, and fear of everyday activities, among other things. Uncertainty-based anxiety can be followed by digestive issues such as diarrhea and a desire forsweets.

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Arsenicum album

This is said to help with anxiety caused by a fear of isolation, darkness, or being flawed. People who suffer from this form of anxiety are afraid of being alone, and they may seek relief from their anxiety by exerting control over or criticizing others. They can also experience frequent bouts ofcold.


Those who need calcarea are likely to benefit from arsenicum as well. They develop a fear of straying from any familiar routine. When plans are changed, anxiety rises, and they struggle to “go with theflow.”


This is for people who are experiencing anxiety as a result of feelings of inadequacy. People who suffer from this form of anxiety are typically shy. They may have agoraphobia, fear crowds or public speaking. They just want to be alone to avoid being pushed around by others.


Ignatia is recommended by homeopaths for those who are feeling anxiety as a result of sorrow or loss. People who suit this description are usually very sensitive and susceptible to mood swings that range from laughter to tears. Ignatia is also effective in the treatment of depression.

Kali arsenicosum

This is for health-related anxiety. Hypochondria, unnecessary shaving, and even fear of heart attacks are all signs of hypochondria. People who suffer from health-related anxiety can experience racing thoughts and have trouble sleeping. They may even be afraid of death. They are susceptible to feeling cold and are at risk of panic attacks.

Kali phophoricum

This is recommended for people who are easily nervous or overwhelmed. Their anxiety derives from having too much on their plate or having ambitious aspirations. Their fear has a physical impact on them, as well.

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Lycopodium, like gelsemium, is recommended for people who lack self- confidence. Despite their fear of public speaking and stage fright, they manage to mask it well. They can try to hide it by talking too loudly or too often.


Homeopathic phosphorus is considered to be beneficial for socially anxious people. When people are nervous or vexed, they find it difficult to concentrate or complete tasks. Their anxiety may be linked to a need for acceptance from friends or romanticpartners.


This is for people who have anxiety that is similar to that of a child. To feel better, they may need a lot of reassurance and encouragement from others.


Silica is similar to gelsemium and lycopodium in appearance. It’s for people who are afraid of trying new stuff, speaking in public, or attracting a lot of attention. To cope with their fears, they also becomeworkaholics.


This is for anxiety that involves sleep terrors, nightmares, or dark thoughts in the middle of the night. People who suffer from this form of anxiety are often afraid of the dark or being alone, and are particularly terrified of monsters or mysterious figures. Their fears are exacerbated by their imaginations.

Other natural anxiety therapies

Other natural therapies for anxiety or panic attacks may be tried in addition to homeopathic remedies.

  • Vitamins are important for good health. Vitamin A, C, D, E, and B complex can help to alleviate anxiety in a holistic way overtime.
  • Minerals (particularly magnesium) may bebeneficial.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, certain amino acids, and neurotransmitters such as 5-HTP can bebeneficial.
  • To cope with anxiety,learn mindfulness-based stress management techniques.
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