Titanium Used In Medical Applications

Titanium alloys are used to make medical and dental tools, as well as other medical equipment. The infographic Titanium in Medicine: Applications and Benefits explains why and how this metal is so important in medicine.

Titanium has been a crucial tool in dentistry since the 1940s (albeit the first titanium dental implant was not introduced until 1965). Since the 1950s, titanium has been employed in surgery and has spread throughout the medical profession, primarily but not exclusively in cardiovascular and orthopedic treatments.

Because of its strength, bacterial resistance, and low weight, the metal is an ideal choice for surgical equipment, medical supplies, and device parts. The metal is ideal for operating equipment, medical supplies, and device parts such as pacemakers and prosthetic joints due to its strength, microbiological resistance, and lightweight composition.

Because of the medically beneficial characteristics of titanium and its availability for purchase on the market, new medical applications are continually being researched and developed. As the US population ages, there will be a greater need for a range of medical operations that currently or in the future employ titanium. As a result, effective research and development pay is necessary in these industries. Take a look at the accompanying graphic to learn more about the medicinal uses and benefits of titanium.