Morphine Withdrawal Symptoms and Timeline

It’s not easy to get addicted to drugs, but it is almost impossible to stop using them. This article will explain some of the symptoms and timeline for withdrawal from morphine addiction.

What is morphine withdrawal, and how long does it last?

Morphine withdrawal is a process that results from stopping or reducing heavy and prolonged use of Morphine. Morphine is a pain reliever that is usually given to people who are suffering from illness or injury as it can relieve moderate-to-severe pain as well as reduce coughing.

When Morphine is stopped or reduced after prolonged use of the drug, withdrawal symptoms start to show up. This mainly occurs when an addict tries to quit Morphine completely. A person can also go through withdrawal if they take a dosage lower than the one they are used to. Symptoms include muscle spasms, diarrhea, goosebumps, stomach cramping, and nausea.

An estimate shows that morphine withdrawal symptoms start within 12 hours of the last dose ingestion, and the person is likely to experience most of those symptoms within 72 hours. Generally, withdrawal effects can last for weeks or months as different individuals may have different rates of detoxification.

Symptoms of morphine withdrawal

1. Muscle Aches, Body Pain, and Tearing

Muscle aches, body pain, and tearing are very common symptoms of morphine withdrawal. This is because the brain’s opioid receptors are the ones that control the perception of pain in an individual. The brain needs to adapt itself since it has become used to receiving opioids for counteraction against any form of pain or discomfort. When Morphine is stopped, the natural production of opioids in the brain declines, resulting in a rebound effect. Moreover, there is a buildup of chemical substances such as adrenaline and noradrenalin, which also contribute to pain-related symptoms when Morphine is discontinued abruptly.

2. Sweating

A person going through morphine withdrawal experiences profuse sweating from the body’s effort to maintain its core temperature. This is brought about by a sudden change in the levels of chemicals in the brain, which alters how it reacts to heat and cold. In addition, a person going through morphine withdrawal experiences goosebumps as well as elevated body temperatures.

3. Diarrhea

It is a common symptom for a person going through morphine withdrawal to experience diarrhea. The intestines react to the changes in hormone levels that occur when morphine use is stopped or reduced abruptly. Moreover, there might be intestinal pressure and spasms, which creates an urge to go out and pass stool. This only worsens the pain that a person experiences in their abdomen.

4. Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are other symptoms of morphine withdrawal that could be experienced by addicts who attempt to stop or reduce their intake of the drug. This is due to chemical changes in the brain, which can cause feelings of nausea, abdominal cramps, and pain. In addition, a person going through morphine withdrawal will experience a loss of appetite, which in turn leads to dehydration and malnutrition.

5. Insomnia

A person going through Morphine Withdrawal symptoms may also have trouble sleeping due to the changes in brain chemical levels that occur when Morphine use is stopped abruptly. This can make the person feel more tired and exhausted than usual.

Morphine addiction timeline

How Bad Is the Morphine Withdrawal Timeline is something you can see below. Morphine can be an easy drug to get addicted to, causing dependence and, at the same time, tough to get rid of the withdrawal symptoms.

  1. Intense cravings for Morphine
  2. Morphine becomes the main priority
  3. Morphine use continues regardless of the consequences
  4. The individual becomes physically dependent on Morphine, and withdrawal symptoms start after persistent use is stopped or dosage is decreased.
  5. Withdrawal symptoms intensify over time and become more prominent as each day goes by.

Morphine withdrawal is a difficult process. But, with the right support and understanding of what to expect during recovery, it’s possible for individuals to overcome this obstacle.  We hope that our article has helped you understand more about morphine withdrawal symptoms and timeline. If you’re struggling with addiction or know someone who is, please reach out for help today or start by watching some morphine addiction podcasts available online to learn more.