Get More Sleep

Is the sleep you are getting at night enough? Are you having a hard time falling and staying asleep? According to NIH, 1 in 3 American adults don’t get enough sleep. Stress has been shown to make this problem even worse.

According to NIH, an adult should be getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night in order to be in good physical and mental shape, avoid an increased risk of injury, and improved quality of life.

Below are some tips that will help you get quality sleep:

Going to bed and waking up at the same time every night. This should be done every day, including the weekends

Avoid taking naps after 3 p.m. Your naps should not be more than 20 minutes

Avoid alcohol and caffeine late in the day

Exercising regularly, but you should not do it two to three hours before bedtime

Quit nicotine for good

Avoid heavy meals later in the day. If you feel hungry, fix yourself a healthy snack like an apple or glass of milk

Your bedroom should be comfortable, quiet, dark, and not too cold or too warm. Consider upgrading your mattress, read these Tuft and Needle reviews.

Have a routine before going to bed to help you relax and let the body know it is time for sleep. This can be listening to music, a bath, or reading. Always turn on electronics an hour before going to bed

Do not lie in your bed awake. If you are still awake after 20 minutes, then look for something you can do until you feel sleepy

If you continue having trouble with your sleep, visit a doctor.

Teens and Sleep

Sleep problems have become a concern among teenagers. They need to get about 9hours of sleep. Children and teens not getting enough sleep tend to have a hard time getting along with others. They may have mood swings, feel angry and impulsive, lack motivation, or feel sad or depressed. They can also have problems with paying attention, which can lead to lower grades and stress.

In addition to the above tips, teens can also:

Avoid screen time an hour before going to bed

Stop pulling an all-nighter (Do your homework on time so you don’t have to rush at the last minute)

Write in a diary a to-do list before going to bed because it helps in reducing stress

Sleeping a maximum of 2 hours later on weekends compared to weekdays.